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Raw Vegetables

Growing Vegetables can be tricky all to itself!


There are no hard rules when it comes to vegetable gardens but there are many things that have to be considered. The most important is "what do you like to eat?"  There is literally no reason to plant something that you won't eat. 


Keeping the above in mind, you then have to consider why you are growing vegetables.  Is it because you want to go organic? Or, maybe it's because you feel like me that the mass production of our food has reduced the nutritional value so much that we are all now dependent on supplements and medicines to make up for what we're not getting in our diets.  Whatever your story may be, it will also be the motivation to keep you working on perfecting your skills as a gardener but that reason will drive everything you do in the garden.


Another important thing to consider is the different needs of your vegetable gardens.  Every plant will have a different planting time and harvest time. Some plants should be grown from direct seed because they don't transplant well while others, because of the timeframe for seeding, should be transplanted after hardening off.  In between whatever those 2 dates end up being, you have maintenance.  Things like watering, fertilizing, pruning, and sometimes training all take time. You want to make sure your garden is the right size for you so that you don't become overwhelmed with meeting its needs.  It's supposed to meet yours!


There's also this thing called companion planting that I really don't follow that well but do some.  Quite simply, some plants don't like others and won't grow well together while others love each other and help each other grow to their maximum potential. It can be as simple as different watering needs to something more complex like different nutrient needs. 


Here's where you have a decision to make.  You can spend the time researching each plant, figuring it all out or you can hire a professional to come and help you figure it all out. 


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